Go to tokenpocket.pro or search the App Store or Google Play for "TokenPocket", and download the app.
Choose "No wallet."
Confirm your agreement with the Terms of Service and Privacy policy "Terms of Service and Privacy".Confirm the creation of wallet "Create Wallet".
ATTENTION!!! Be sure to save these 12 words after the registration!The phrase is generated when you create a wallet once and forever, it can not be reset or changed. This is the only way to restore access to your wallet anywhere and anytime. Write it down on a piece of paper and keep it in a secure place.If the phrase ends up in the hands of strangers, it could result in the loss of your funds. If you lose the phrase, your wallet will be impossible to restore.Continue the registration "Completed Backup, Verify It".
The public key, aka your wallet address, is a code consisting of a set of letters and symbols. You will need the address to receive funds in your wallet.
Click “Discover” and enter “2049“, you can see 2049 in the searching results and click into it.Launch App and be a Newlander!
Confirm verification "Confirm".Your wallet is up and running!
Choose "Receive".
You can share the address, copy it, and also use the QR code to receive funds.