

Project introduction

For thousands of years, dragons have penetrated into all aspects of Chinese society and become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon has become a symbol of China, the Chinese nation, and Chinese culture. For every descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a mood, and an emotion connected by flesh and blood! The titles "descendants of the dragon" and "descendants of the dragon" often make us excited, energetic, and proud. . In addition to being spread and inherited in the land of China, dragon culture has also been brought to all parts of the world by Chinese people who have traveled overseas. In Chinese residential areas or Chinese cities around the world, the most common and eye-catching ornament is still the dragon. Therefore, "Descendants of the Dragon" and "Kingdom of the Dragon" have also gained world recognition.


From Bitcoin and Ethereum, the pioneers of the Crypto revolution, we can see that great innovations such as peer-to-peer, decentralization, and open finance have broken the inherent traditional financial system and closed ecosystem, and continue to lead the natives of the digital world. Web3.0.


Loong is a decentralized Dragon Coin cultural exchange token issued among the global community of Dragon Coin culture believers and enthusiasts with "Long Coin Culture" as its IP. Loong is based on the new generation of public chain technology and uses NFT Dragon Coin games and offline cultural creation scenes as ecological support to create a new Dragon Culture WEB3.0 world, aiming to stimulate online and offline Dragon Coin cultural exchange activities globally and promote Dragon Coin deeds. The cultural essence of Helong coins promotes the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture and strengthens Chinese cultural confidence.

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